Going Green!

We also offer a green solution to carpet cleaning, without sacrificing the benefits of the Rotovac and a truck-mounted cleaning system.

For this option we look to Planet Guard by JonDon.


Planet Guard TLC is the perfect pre-spray for all natural and synthetic carpets, and upholstery. This detergent-free pre-spray turns soils and detergent residues from previous cleanings into free-rinsing soaps that can be easily extracted. Its self-neutralizing formula converts from an alkali to an acid as it cleans, and contains no pH when the surface is dry.

Rinsing Agent:

Planet Guard Carpet Cleaner/Rinse  

Planet Guard Carpet Cleaner and Rinse is 100% detergent free -- no soaps, surfactants, synthetic chemistries, dyes or perfumes just clean carpet!

Planet Guard Carpet Cleaner and Rinse’s self-neutralizing formulation leaves carpets clean and bright without the use of detergents or other synthetic chemistry. The unique formulation emulsifies organic-based oils quickly. CCR is the perfect rinse aid to neutralize and remove alkali or acid residues from carpets and upholstery.

 Planet Guard Cleaners are Green Seal Approved.

Reference: JonDon “Product searches” http://www.jondon.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?osCsid=9cc71419494be50a533d5cb3eee98515&keywords=planet+guard&x=0&y=0

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